Access to Better Communication understands that feeding disorders are complex and require a comprehensive individualized treatment approach. To determine the cause of your child's feeding difficulties, we take into consideration all systems of the body that may contribute to your child's difficulties. The development of your child's oral musculature and sensory system are key components in feeding and swallowing. A feeding therapist will conduct an in-depth evaluation of your child's oral musculature and structures and observe your child's oral musculature, function, and behaviors while eating. Our feeding therapists are committed to using evidence-based practices in the management of feeding difficulties. Our therapists remain up to date on the latest literature, attend intensive training courses, and are committed to providing our families with the utmost quality of care.
What is Feeding Therapy?
Feeding therapy helps infants and children who have feeding difficulty improve oral motor skills, suck-swallow-breath coordination, swallowing, and acceptance of age appropriate textures and foods. Your child may benefit from feeding therapy if he or she has any of the symptoms below:
Child Signs and Symptoms
Coughing/gagging during feedings
Difficulty transitioning from the bottle to table foods
"Messy eater"
"Picky eater" or having a limited diet
Overstuffing or spitting out food
Poor chewing; difficulty chewing meats
Failure to accept different textures
Poor weight gain and growth